Scarcity mentality is still prevalent in small shop nonprofits. We’re nonprofits – we do more with less! We’re nonprofits – of course most of our time is spent doing “other duties as assigned!”
We’ve prided ourselves on wearing many hats – often at the same time! Perhaps you’ve had a few of these on your head recently?
– the event planner’s pillbox hat
– the grant writer’s magician top hat
– the content generator’s newsboy cap
– the customer service rep’s cowboy hat
– the office maintenance worker’s construction hat, and
– the “other duties as assigned” bucket hat.
But amidst this hat-juggling act, we’ve left out a crucial one – the fundraiser’s fedora, hanging neglected on the coat rack. In our quest to meet every organizational need, we’ve diluted our effectiveness as fundraisers.
Yes, versatility and adaptability are essential traits, but it’s equally vital to prioritize our fundraising responsibilities. It’s time to reclaim our identity as professional fundraisers.
Carve out dedicated time each month to step back from the chaos. Set aside all the other hats, don your fundraising fedora, and leverage resources like AFP WNC to refine your fundraising skills and amplify your impact.
Let’s remember the power – and the fashion sense -of wearing just one hat at a time.
Hats off to you!
Kate Frost
AFP WNC Board President