How many times a year are you connecting with your donors? We’ve all heard the magic number 7 – enough times that your donor feels valued, informed, and confident in your stewardship of their gift – enough that they’ll give again without hesitation the next time they’re asked.

So here’s the next big question – how many times a year are you connecting with your volunteers?

You know, the ones who stuff envelopes, stock pantries, tutor kids, answer phones, and support your events… Volunteers are often the backbone of your nonprofit, helping you stretch your resources and having an intimate understanding of your mission and your needs.

Fundraising for actual dollars is essential, but there’s also true value of your volunteers’ investment in time, talent, and future leadership to consider. A volunteer who gives two hours a week is contributing the equivalent of $3,000 in services each year!

April is National Volunteer Month, and April 21 to 27 is National Volunteer Week. Take the opportunity this month (and all year) to develop touchpoints with your volunteers, showing them the appreciation they deserve.

Where do you start? Ask them! These are a pool of individuals so committed to your cause they show up for you. Have some personal conversations with them to see what they care about. Why are they investing their time? How do they like to be recognized? For those who hate awards – what’s a nice treat for them to build community with each other and your nonprofit team?

Remember, their dedication often can extend beyond volunteering. By nurturing these relationships, you are creating a community of involved volunteers who can also become your most passionate donors and advocates!

Kate Frost
AFP WNC Board President