I’m currently reading “The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout” by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman. It’s a timely reminder, especially for those of us Type A personalities deeply passionate about our work, offering practical assessments to navigate away from the cycle of burnout and towards prolonged self-care.
I was curious about what was capturing the attention of our AFPWNC board members, so I reached out to gather some recommendations:
Laurel Amabile, our Communications Chair, swears by “Boards on Fire! (2nd Edition)” by Susan Howlett. It’s an accessible read packed with fundraising inspiration, and it doubles as a go-to reference for both board members and fundraisers alike.
Kristen Aquino, our Sponsorship Chair, recently rediscovered Lynne Twist’s “The Committed Life” and “The Soul of Money.” Twist has profound insights into transforming our relationship with money, especially in fundraising. She loved how these books inspired deep values and bold aspirations in philanthropy.
Bellamy Crawford, our Secretary, recommends “The Fundraising Talent Podcast,” highlighting the episode titled ‘Will fundraising ever learn that the conversation is the work?’ Additionally, she loves “The Soulful Art of Persuasion” by Jason Harris. While it’s not specifically a nonprofit fundraising book, the message is applicable to donor relations.
Jessica May, our Membership Chair, learned a lot from “The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey” by Ken Blanchard, a book focused on effective team management, and “The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: A Leadership Fable” by Patrick Lencioni.
Jess McLean, our IDEA Chair, is a big fan of the blog and newsletter “Nonprofit AF,” by Vu Le. It’s a bold resource that’s not afraid to call folks out and address nonprofit and funding disparities while also being super funny!
As you bask in the summer sun, remember to indulge in the three “Rs”: rest, relaxation, and, of course, reading. Hopefully these recommendations will give you some inspiration as you curate your own summer reading list!
Kate Frost
AFP WNC Board President