Social Gathering at Pleb Urban Winery

AFP WNC Social Gathering Pleb Urban Winery: June 23, 2021 beginning at 5:30 p.m. It's been far too long since we've been together, and connecting with one another is one of the best parts of AFP! Join your AFP colleagues for our first in-person gathering since the pandemic began. Pleb has set aside a few tables for us. Buy a beverage, catch up with your colleagues, and browse the offerings at the weekly local farmers market. Advance registration isn't required, but please mark your calendars now. Pleb Urban Winery is in the River Arts District (289 Lyman [...]

Philanthropy Institute 2021


Philanthropy Institute 2021 will be a live virtual program with a Keynote Presentation by Vu Le from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM followed by a collegial discussion from 1:00 – 1:30 PM.

$20 – $30

The Ethical Challenges of All Positions in a Fundraising Shop: Annual Fund, Major Gifts, Grant Writer, Planned Giving, Director of Development, Event Specialist (and Consultant)


October Professional Development | The Ethical Challenges of All Positions in a Fundraising Shop: Annual Fund, Major Gifts, Grant Writer, Planned Giving, Director of Development, Event Specialist (and Consultant)   The recording of this session is available HERE.   In this session, Alex Comfort, CFRE, is going to share a true  story he has never told publicly – not in his book or in his Fundraising Boot Camp. He says people in his past have told him that the story is “life changing”, and he wants us to tune in and consider it. The session considers the [...]

$10 – $15
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