Events for February 12 - December 11, 2024

January Professional Development: Prospect Research


January Professional Development | Prospect Research The recording of this program is available via YouTube HERE. The slides for this presentation are available for download HERE. Despite what the big vendors may want you to believe, basic prospect research can be done on a budget of absolutely nothing at all. Prospect research relies on information that is by definition public, and there’s more of it than you might realize! In this session, we’ll go step-by-step through a basic prospect profile template to learn about freely available resources to fill in each area. Bring your Google-fu, your curiosity, [...]

$10 – $15

Why a Gift Acceptance Policy Saves Embarrassment and Reduces Confusion


February Professional Development | Why a Gift Acceptance Policy Saves Embarrassment and Reduces Confusion The recording of this program is available HERE. The slides for this program are available for download HERE.   Every not for profit no matter what its size needs a gift acceptance policy. Why? To protect you from having to receive gifts you don't want (are there such things???? Yes!!!) and to ensure the donor is aware of your organization's values. Our Zoom session will cover such topics as what are our organizations' blues? How do I discover them and who codifies them? What is an example [...]

$10 – $15

Enhancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

March Professional Development | Enhancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging This program will take place in-person at Lenoir Rhyne University, 36 Montford Ave, Asheville, NC 28801. We will meet in Classroom 314. There is free parking in the shared parking lot with the Visitor Center. Please bring yourself a bagged lunch to enjoy during the program!   The slides of this presentation are available for download HERE.   The focus of the presentation is to build a foundation of understanding terminology in which to move an organization forward in its DEIB Initiatives. Terms discussed include Diversity, Equity, [...]

$10 – $15

How to Raise Endowment Funding

Lenoir Rhyne University (Asheville) 36 Montford Ave, Asheville, NC, United States

April Professional Development | How to Raise Endowment Funding We all know we need to have a robust and growing endowment for our nonprofit.  But, even if we have an endowment fund right now, how can we work in more money for that when we need dollars for more pressing needs?  This session answers the following questions: What exactly is an endowment? How does it function? How much does it need to be? Should it produce income? What should we spend it on? Who is in charge of it? How do we raise it? Where does endowment [...]

$10 – $15

The Annual Fund – Unsung Hero of Fundraising


May Professional Development | The Annual Fund - Unsung Hero of Fundraising A recording of this program is available HERE. The slides for this program are available for download HERE. The annual fund is the building block for all fund raising. It can create a base of donors who consistently demonstrate their commitment to the mission of an organization, give those treasured unrestricted gifts and respond to simple but heartfelt solicitations. This program will focus on the practicality and math of a solid and successful annual fund program. Presented by Kimerly Hinkelman Kimerly [...]

$10 – $15

Lemons to Lemonade: Finding Opportunity in Uncertainty

June Professional Development | Lemons to Lemonade: Finding Opportunity in Uncertainty The slides for this program are available HERE. The lemons: Cost of living increases, rising interest rates, aging baby boomers. Believe or not, there are giving opportunities that can sweeten the mix. In the spirit of a summer lemonade stand, we’ll stir up a couple of recipes to offer your donors, with variations for bequests, IRA gifts, and charitable gift annuities. Sheryl Aikman is the principal of Alenda Consulting LLC. She serves a wide range of nonprofit, individual and professional advisor clients, with a focus on major, life [...]

$10 – $15

Quantifying Connection: The 5 Evolutions of AI in Philanthropy


August Professional Development | Quantifying Connection: The 5 Evolutions of AI in Philanthropy The recording of this program is available HERE. The slides for this program are available for download as PDF HERE.   Nonprofit organizations are facing an ongoing Generosity Crisis as the pool of potential donors continues to shrink. However, advanced technology is the only scalable solution for reversing downward trends in charitable giving. By leveraging AI technologies like machine learning and generative AI like ChatGPT, fundraisers can create efficiencies while prioritizing relationships over revenue and target the best donors with the greatest long-term value. [...]

September Professional Development: Ethics

Lenoir Rhyne University (Asheville) 36 Montford Ave, Asheville, NC, United States

September Professional Development | Navigating Sticky Situations As fundraising professionals we are committed to ethical practices and work to avoid questionable situations. But sometimes they find us! Join us this month for a lively group discussion about real world, sticky situations and how your peers have navigated them. Whether it’s really obvious (you want me to do WHAT?!?) or something you never considered an ethical dilemma  (I shouldn’t do THAT when I change jobs?), you need to be equipped with strategies and peers to support you. Bring your bag lunch and we’ll bring the strategies and peer support. [...]

$10 – $15

October Professional Development: From The Donors

AB Tech Ivy Building 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC, United States

October Professional Development | From the Donors: Insight into Motivations, Do's and Don'ts How do our donors think about giving? What motivates them? Do they do it for the benefits or for tax reasons? Come hear directly from a panel of local donors to find out what they look for in an organization to support, what they like and dislike about philanthropy and nonprofit relations, and how you can be a better donor-centric fundraiser. This is your chance for a candid conversation about what you can do better to earn their support! This event will be in person, [...]

$10 – $15

Dogwood Health Trust’s 2024 Grantmaking

AB Tech Ivy Building 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC, United States

December Professional Development | Dogwood Health Trust's 2024 Grantmaking Mark Constantine, Dogwood Health Trust's Senior Vice President of Community Investment, will share an overview of how Dogwood will approach grantmaking in 2024, including a single cycle for Strategic Priority Grant Opportunities, a rolling application process for community and racial equity, policy and advocacy, sustainable organizations, and impact investing, visits to all counties and the Qualla Boundary, the start of their Broadband Initiative, and streamlining their processes to better serve their partners.   Presented by Mark Constantine. Mark joined the Dogwood Health Trust team [...]

$10 – $15

2024 Kickoff Social

Highland Brewery 12 Old Charlotte Highway, Asheville, NC, United States

January Event and Social Gathering Start the new year networking with your development peers and learn about our 2024 offerings to support you in your work. Afternoon snacks, a drink ticket and door prizes provided! Let's ring in a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! Raffle prizes include various gift cards, French Broad Chocolates and Chocolate Factory Tour, Poppy Popcorn, and a "Golden Ticket" for a year of free AFP WNC programs! Plus, savor a special small-batch brew made just for AFP WNC! This is a drop-in style event and your first drink is on us. NA options [...]

$10 – $15

Grow a Better Board: The 3 I’s of Board Engagement

AB Tech Ivy Building 10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC, United States

February Professional Development | Grow a Better Board: The 3 I’s of Board Engagement Nonprofit boards are not realizing their full potential. Engage board members in a way that is mutually fulfilling for both board members and the organization they serve. Doing so can help your organization achieve more and develop advocates deeply committed to lifelong philanthropy. This interactive session will give you a roadmap you can put into practice now—to transform your board AND transform your mission. Catered lunch will be included with your registration fee. Vegetarian and Gluten Free options will be available. [...]

$20 – $35
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