From AFP International:
Fundraisers do more than just raise money—we make positive change happen! Without fundraising, donors and charities wouldn’t be able to transform communities and improve the quality of life for everyone.
Your gift to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy will allow development and implementation of new programs as well as enhancements to existing ones like scholarships, education and research. And don’t forget, BE the CAUSE is a cooperative annual fund that also provides direct benefit to your local community through your AFP chapter.
2019 AFP Foundation For Philanthropy Impact
- More than $324,000 raised
- AFP LEAD programming at a reduced rate for chapter leaders with terrific programming. 361 fundraising professionals attended LEAD, and 169 attended Women’s Impact Initiative Summit, which was a rousing success!
- AFP Leadership Development Summit brought thirty thought-leaders together to talk about an intentional leadership development program for the fundraising profession
- 21 Diversity Scholarships to the 2019 AFP International Conference on Fundraising
- 130 Chamberlain Scholars to the 2019 AFP International Conference on Fundraising
- Catapult Fundraising telephoned 4,000 lapsed donors
Quote From Scholar
“Even if I had been able to afford participation in ICON, I would not have had as positive of an experience without the Diversity Scholar Program. Being connected to a group of colleagues with shared experiences of being underrepresented created a sense of community, as well as dialogue about intersections of our work and personal experiences. The connections that I made with the Diversity Scholar cohort deepened the experience and made me feel more welcome. I’m grateful to the chapters and individuals who contributed to making professional development possible.”
—Iris Maute-Gibson, 2018 Diversity Scholar, AFP
WA, Advancement Northwest Chapter, Grants
Coordinator, North Cascades Institute
The Chapter Impact Campaign launched September 2019. This Campaign for the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy funds:
- Leadership Development – which includes AFP LEAD and developing specific programs for leadership development for the fundraising profession.
- IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) – which includes diversity scholarships but also programs like the ongoing Women’s Impact Initiative.
- Chamberlain Scholarships to help fundraising professionals attend the AFP International Conference on Fundraising – this coming year in Baltimore!
- Capacity Building which allows the Foundation to use the funds where they are most needed
For more information on be the cause visit afpglobal.org/foundation or contact Fundraising Chair Tiffany Drummond Armstong, CFRE at fundraising@afpwnc.org.